JT Customs is proud to announce a new product offering. Our Concealed Carry P365 Stippling and Cerakote package is best suited for those who conceal carry a P365 / P365 XL or P365 X-Macro.
How to order and ship your grip module: Place your order on JTCustomWork.com, safely dissassemble your P365. Keep the serialized fire control unit and slide. Only mail the grip module to us. You can keep the mag release installed, we know that can be difficult to remove. We recommend that you insure your package but it is not requried. Please include a copy of your order confirmation printed out or some information containing your order # inside the package.
Mail grip module to: JT Customs 7483 Heinrich Rd, Hamburg, NY 14075
This new offering came about after years of customer questions and emails asking about the aggressiveness of grip textures and how comfortable (or uncomfortable) they may be for concealed carry.
Our Concealed Carry P365 Stippling and Cerakote gives our customers the opportunity to choose two separate stippling patterns. The front and back-strap portions of the grip module can have a more aggressive stippling pattern since they do not make contact with the body.
The side panels so interface your clothing and body while concealed carrying so they can have a less aggressive stippling texture. I cannot tell you how many shirts of mine have little holes in them from rubbing against my most aggressive stippling patterns.
No need to worry about sending your grip module in for a stipple job. Here’s your chance to own a stippled Sig P365 Grip Module that is made to order and customized to your exact specifications!
Note that this grip module is customized to your specifications. Therefore, please allow up to 8 weeks for delivery if cerakote is selected. Allow up to 2 weeks if no cerakote is selected.
Click HERE to see all available modifications including examples of stippling textures and more.
Please refer to the information below for a better description of upgrades and add-ons being offered:
Choose between None, Single color or Multi / Camo.
Specify Cerakote Choice:
Single Color Cerakote Options:
– Storm Trooper White H-297
– Red H-216
– Cobalt H-112
– OD Green H-236
– Graphite Black H-146
– Burnt Bronze H-148
– Sniper Grey H-234
– Mapgul FDE H-267
– Noveske Bazooka Green H-189
– Battle Ship Grey H-213
– Robin Egg Blue H-175
– Prison Pink H-141
– Tungsten H-237
– Coyote Tan H-235
– Gloss Black H-109
– Armor Black H-190
– Glock Grey H-184
– Sig Dark Grey H-210
– Stone Grey H-262
– Vortex Bronze H-293
– Midnight Bronze H-294
– Mil Spec Green H-264
– Magpul OD Green H-232
– Mil Spec OD Green H-240
– Sniper Green H-229
– SOCOM Blue H-245
– Sig Pink H-224
– Gold H-122
Camo Cerakote Options:
– Woodland Camo
– FDE Camo
– Tropical Multicam
- Urban Multicam
– Burnt Bronze Multicam
– OD Green Multicam
– Tiffany Camo
– Blackout Multicam
– Alpine Multicam
– Dark Alpine Multicam
Side Panel Grip Texture / Front and Backstrap Grip texture:
Havok: our signature micro stipple. Great for moisture wicking. Perfect for any use; including inside or outside carry.
Gambit: This pattern provides a more positive grip on the firearm as opposed to the default (Spawn) texture. It is still comfortable enough for Everyday Carry against your body with an Inside the Waistband holster. It would also be a good option for competition shooters and duty pistols
Gojira: This pattern provides a similar grip to Gambit but offers a unique design.
Xavier: Our most aggressive texture. Ideal for outside waistband carry or competition shooters.
Choose between None, Index Finger Stippling, Trigger Guard Stippling or Both. The Side Panel Stippling Texture will be what is used on the index and / or Trigger Guard Stippling.