Please note that we are streamlining our border designs to match up with our CCW and new Hybrid Laser / Hand Stippling offerings. The stippling texture will wrap 360 degrees around the grip module but it will more closely follow the factory stippling borders. This will also provide you with more surface area to showcase your cerakoted grip module. You may see old border design photos in the product gallery until we have more examples of work with our newer design.
How to order and ship your grip module (if mailing one in): Place your order on JTCustomWork.com, safely dissassemble your P365. Keep the serialized fire control unit and slide. Only mail the grip module to us. You can keep the mag release installed, we know that can be difficult to remove. We recommend that you insure your package but it is not requried. Please include a copy of your order confirmation printed out or some information containing your order # inside the package.
Mail grip module to: JT Customs 7483 Heinrich Rd, Hamburg, NY 14075
Description of Custom P320 Stippling and Cerakote options below:
This dropdown is simply to inform our customers of all the grip modules for the P365 that we are able to accept for custom work. You can choose between the P365, P365 XL, P365 X-Macro or any of the Wilson Combat P365 grip modules.
Choose which backstrap you want us to permanantly fuse to the P365 X-Macro grip module. Select Not Applicable if you are mailing in a different P365 grip module.
Choose between None (cerakote only), Havok, Gambit, Gojira or Xavier
Choose between None, Index Finger Stippling, Trigger Guard Stippling or BOTH Index and Trigger Guard Stippling.
*Note: Index finger stippling is done on both sides of the grip module.
Choose between None (stipple only), Single Color or Multi/Camo/Battleworn
You must fill out the text field below with what your cerakote choice is if you pick something.
A detailed description of all our custom work and stippling textures / add-ons can be found HERE. (Opens in new window)